
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2023

Mind map

  The structures are. Could: • Affirmative: subject + could + verb + complement • Negative: subject + could not/couldn’t + verb + complement • Interrogative: could + subject + verb + complement? Should: • Affirmative: subject + should + verb + complement • Negative: subject + should not/shouldn’t + verb + complement • Interrogative: should + subject + verb + complement?

What you need to pack for a trip

 Paragraph explaining what it takes to pack for a trip. I explained to my friend Jorge that the first thing we have to take into account to start packing for a trip is how many days we are going to stay. If there are two or three I will use a medium suitcase or a travel bag. I would pack two jeans, two sweaters, a polo shirt and a basic one, and a shirt. I would take two short shorts, well, this depends on where I travel, two pairs of shoes, a tennis and a sneaker. Lastly, I would pack a grooming kit and that would be it.

video 2

 conversation A: Hello, how are you? B: Welcome, very good and you? A: Very good, how much is that jacket and crewneck? I love it B: the jacket 50$ and crewneck 40$ A: oh the jacket is more expensive than crewneck B: oh yes, what size do you need? A: i need it in a medium size B: Would you like to try it on? A: no, thanks. It’s not for me. It’s a present for my brother. He is higher than me B: thank you for your purchase A: thank you, see you later